How can GPS make a difference in my field?
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based radio
navigation system initially developed and operated by the U.S. Department of
Defense (DOD). GPS is helping farmers and agribusinesses to become more productive
and efficient in their farming practices. Today, many farmers use GPS to conduct
precision farming operations such as chemical and fertilizer application. GPS
also provides location information that enables farmers to plow, harvest, map
their fields, and mark areas of disease or weed infestation - any time of day
or night. GPS helps farmers apply chemicals and fertilizers to their fields
in trouble spots that have existed in the past. These trouble spots are where
crops do not produce much of a yield. This in turn, eliminates unneeded fertilizers
in non-problem areas, thus saving money and the environment, while at the same
time increasing yields. These yields are compared to the previous years' yield
because a combine equipped with GPS can record crop yields at every location
as it covers the field.
These are the types of GPS receivers that you would find on the top of tractors and combines.